A Girl Runs in Brooklyn

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

Great run OUTSIDE today!

on February 21, 2014


I look a little goofy but the sun was in my eyes and I couldn’t actually see my phone. I haven’t seen the sun in weeks so I am a little unfamiliar with what it looks like. FINALLY got outside for a run today after doing ALL of my runs since February 9th on the treadmill! I have off work this week (I work at a school full-time and schools in NYC are off this week for February Break) so I got to sleep in, go to yoga at 10:15, and then run at noon, after it had warmed up to 40 degrees and most of the black ice that I had heard was making my favorite running path treacherous earlier in the morning had melted away. It was BEAUTIFUL out! I am finally feeling like myself again running. I have basically dropped the walk breaks (though I took a few today through really slushy/icy areas on the path but nothing significant) and am finally back to averaging about a 12:00 minute mile “easy” pace. My easy pace before injury was between 11:00 and 12:00, but since I came back to running I’ve been running between 13:00 and 14:00 including the walk breaks. Today’s run felt GREAT!!!

One response to “Great run OUTSIDE today!

  1. I live In Long Island and I couldn’t wait to run today. It was 48 degrees when u ran this afternoon. It was awesome

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